Saturday, December 13, 2008

Nice day

Wow, today was great~!
I can finally play my bagpipe well, for the pass few day,
I can't even play my bagpipe for half seconds~
but today i can!! And you know why ??
Ok i will tell you all the story XD
Today when go to school for music camp,
i take out my pipe and play, then still knot play,
as usual, the asst. section ldr, keep shake his head and sighed...
(hated that !!!) well then ma get scold again lo(has started since few weeks ago)
but i remembered wad my ex-section ldr said to my another snior,
i will name the section ldr WJ and the snior WZ,
WJ: Eh, 2molo remember to check Ray Gan's pipe you know..(or something like that)
WZ: Ok..
so i ma ask WZ to check my pipe, he said the pipe very hard to play..
While the asst. section ldr,(name him SH), said whre got,
then WZ asked him to play, when he play, he said the air come out faster,
bcause of that, we opened the pipe and found out that thre is more than 7 holes
that cause it to leaked... i was glad that it wasn't me the problem is...
Then we repaired it~ then i can play liao lo,
However, i'm still not tat good in playing songs with bagpipe yet..
How you say? Nervous !!! Scared !!! ??
why? bcause if play wrong then SH will scold non-stop .. sigh....
Jyjy bah... T.T
Ok, i better stop here, if not ltr my blog will be an eye-killer (too many words til eye pain XD )

Ray Gan,
Music and Anime RULEZ!!!