Monday, October 12, 2009


Recently, I’ve done a lot of mistakes that I would regret. Really regret… Quarreling is one of them…

I don’t know what’s with me lately…

Maybe I’m just stressed? Or sick of my life? I’ve became hot-tempered, get angry easily at minor stuff, not understanding people, yelling at people for no reason. To whom I did that, I’m terribly sorry. (especially my love =s)

It’s just that… I’m going through some tough time lately… my band life, is getting worse as day passes by, I’m having a hard time playing my instrument as there is something wrong with my lungs or what so ever is happening to me… and disappointing every single member, is hard for me to face…

Besides that, my life? Disaster… My studies are not any better. Plus, the final’s around the corner… Not mentioning the nagging I receive everyday from my parents, seniors, and complains from juniors…

Hopefully, there’s no more problems will come in… I really need someone right now… If she was here…

And dear, I’m sorry for what I’ve said, I didn’t meant to say those words.… except 143, the 3words and 8letters. Sorry. will you forgive me ??
